[center][h2]Wulfrik the Wanderer[/h2][/center] The Ruinous Powers are fickle, and possessed of intentions beyond the ken of man. Thus, it comes as no surprise that their meddling oft leads to peculiar circumstances. Wulfrik, having embarked on countless journeys to enact their will, had grown used to unfamiliar locales and outlandish individuals. But the situation in which the World Walker found himself was unusual, even by the immeasurable standards of the Dark Gods. Both the warrior and his prized vessel, the [url=http://i.imgur.com/eK6SLlG.jpg]Seafang[/url], had been plucked from the frigid sea of Norsca and deposited here. Not only that, but his crew -men sworn to him by oaths of blood and honour- had vanished. Now, in regards to 'here', Wulfrik was unsure of what to think. The furnishings were refined and immaculately arranged, reminiscent of the Southron whelps in the Empire of Man. The inhabitants, however, were another matter entirely. One of them, with his rotund appearance and prominent nose, appeared to be some blend of greenskin and ogre. Another, bearing a staff and clad in garish apparel, could only be some brand of sorcerer. Whatever their origins, they were most certainly not known to him. As Wulfrik's arrival had been somewhat delayed, all he knew regarding the situation was that the ashen-skinned woman before them had offered entire worlds to plunder. While he knew not of these cores she spoke of, it did not take long for the champion of Chaos to reach a conclusion. [i]The Gods themselves have provided me a grand opportunity: whole worlds for the taking. The skalds will write an unequalled saga of my victories over the champions of these far realms; moreover, all this girl asks in return is that I claim some petty trinket.[/i] With that in mind, Wulfrik broke his silence. "By my reckoning, the will of the Gods has brought me here. If that be the case, then I am to aid you in your hunt. Guide me where I might claim the mightiest as offerings for the Ruinous Powers, and I, Wulfrik, will deliver these cores you speak of." If one were of the observant sort, glimpses of the warrior's avian tongue and lupine jaws could be caught, indicating his inhuman nature.