So I had an idea a while back when watching Jurassic World and I figured "You know, this could make an interesting RPG", using the [url=]Titan World RPG[/url] engine. The plot is that, at some point, mankind revived Dinosaurs, but now they have been knocked off the top of the food chain, being reduced now to being holed up in a theme park as their "haven", with giant glass walls to act as their only shield. Three factions are made to protect humanity from extinction; a scouting party to find ways to make dinosaurs extinct, a security protocol to protect the walls from being destroyed, and a private military company to quell any traitors or potential threats to the government. Players will begin as rookies, then gain a class after the first mission. The major change will be that Shifters will turn into dinosaurs instead of Titans. Other than that, that's basically it. Tone would probably be more akin to Jurassic Park than AOT.