[b][i][color=6ecff6]Juno-Seto[/color][/i][/b] Of course this wasn't an easy task. Whoever Charmeine was against had her own set of warriors. Juno-Seto couldn't hide her worriness for the worlds they would have to go. Each second that passed seemed agonizing for her. [color=6ecff6]"I am sorry if I am being disrespectful, Lady Charmeine, but we must depart to these worlds those warriors had gone. If your enemy has already the advantage, we have to follow them and break their choices of winning."[/color] She said. [hr] [b][i][color=92278f]Ensa-Taya[/color][/i][/b] She looked at the options and was unable to fully decide what she wanted. Both worlds were awaiting for chaos and destruction. If she got the hands in the world's core for Zuriel, it was a step forward for the creation of her magnum opus. Seeing how the Anguished One had left, she heard Gilgamesh, but decided to ignore him. [color=92278f]"The word has given me some interest. It seems the world of hitmans is the most adept to a cycle of death. It is for that world that I depart. Zuriel, once all the cores are collected, I want my part of the deal."[/color] she said, leaving to the world she wanted to go.