[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] Also, why is playing a duplicate so bad for you guys? Just because they take on the same role and mantle doesn't mean they're the same person or whatever. Psykers have a wide variety of disciplines they can use and there's more the the Sororitas than just Sisters of Battle; its all there if you're willing to go look for it (which isn't that hard) and also willing to make a character that isn't a carbon copy of someone else's. [/quote] It also has to do with a sense of originality. Even if two people play psykers with opposite personality and styles it still wont feel [i]completely[/i] separate. there is something to be said for wanting to play something more unique. Fill a niche so to speak and not feel like your character is too easily replaceable by the next man. Yes there are other options outside but most of them are similar. there are only so many different ways to play a priest character for example. And some choices just feel boring. I mean who really wants to be an administratium scribe? I had considered making a seasoned drill abbot, But that would have worked much better if the inquisitor himself had gone through the schola. Worked it into the background that he recruited his old teacher as an advisor and so forth.