[quote=@Leslie Hall] So I got bored, and with the mention of a two year time skip coming up in the near to distant future, I decided to ask the question; would my characters appearances change in the span of two years? For some of them, like Rosalina, Constantine and Bayard; probably not. But Zen, Isabella and Bullet are still quite young. So I rummaged through the net to find some new pictures for Post-Time Skip characters. I haven't found one for Zen yet though. [hider=Post-Time Skip Isabella][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/66208636/large.png[/img] In terms of physical appearance, there isn't really much difference for Isabella. The picture doesn't really do it justice but I was hoping she'd be a bit more muscular in the following years. Current Isabella is lean, but borderline unhealthily slim. Her biggest change is fashion though. She decided to drop the over-the-top corsets and frilly dresses and go for an outfit that is still appealing, but more casual while still keeping a professional air to her. She also grew her hair out a lot, because she watched too many episodes of Steven Universe and now idolises Rose Quartz.[/hider] [hider=Post-Time Skip Bullet][img]http://i.imgur.com/2y3BlOl.png[/img] Bullet was a bit of a later bloomer, but in the two years that passed he went through a massive growth spurt. He grew taller, his shoulders broadened up a bit and his general appearance went from rabid, unkempt street rat to a more calm, yet temperamental young adult. Again, Bullet has seemed to graduate from the magical place of Shonen Land where everyone wears stupid outfits for no reason. His new look is much cleaner, but still with a very laid back tone. Also, on a side note for reasons I hope to get into in the IC, post-time skip bullet has decided to use his real name 'Nico' instead of the dumb alias he gave himself as a kid.[/hider] I had too much fun with this... [/quote] This is something that I've been thinking about doing as well. But I could probably do it for only Kaitlyn since my other characters are probably old enough that two years would barely make a difference to their appearance. I already have Wes who has already gained an extra 10 years during the RP, because of plot stuff xD [quote=@Leslie Hall] [@hatakekuro] Okay then; it's like watching a caterpillar turn into a beautiful butterfly. A butterfly with magic powers. [/quote] So like a pokemon caterpie to butterfree, or wurmple to beautifly lol