[h2][center][color=00ff66]Calanon[/color] (& Brogach)[/center][/h2] [color=00ff66]Location:[/color]Beside the Cave [color=00ff66]Interacting with:[/color] Those working around the fire, Gretchin Calanon watched his friends begin to prepare their meal, wondering what he could do to contribute. Back in the villages he had used to patrol about, many of the townsfolk would insist that he not do a thing and wait for them to have the food ready, though sometimes he wished to help and cut meat and vegetables for them. He never enjoyed sitting back and having others do work for him, even if the townsfolk often rationalized it with him already being the one to risk his life in the wilds. As he contemplated on what to do, a movement to the side caught his eye and he turned his head to see Gretchin approaching him. His gaze met her striking blue eyes, and he smiled to her. He couldn't quite pinpoint it, but there was something different about her, he guessed. Perhaps the music truly did effect her greatly. Either way, it warmed his heart to see her like that. "[color=00ff66]It's a fine feast indeed.[/color]" He agreed with a chuckle, and then nodded at her following words. "[color=00ff66]I'd like that.[/color]" He lifted himself up to his feet, dusting the excess dust and dirt off his knees and rump with a few brushes of his hands, before placing his palms on his hips as he looked around. His chest broadening a bit as he breathed in deeply and focused inwardly. "[color=00ff66]I wonder what it is we could do though...[/color]" The Elf's voice trailed off, his right hand now reaching his chin and his left supporting the opposite elbow. Suddenly his midnight eyes glinted with an idea. "[color=00ff66]This Orc settlement here means there must be fresh water nearby. How about we go and fill everyone's water bottles for the feast?[/color]" he asked her. His grin was nothing if not fun-loving. "[color=00ff66]A river should not be too hard to find, and I would enjoy stretching my legs. Does that sound good to you?[/color]"