The troll tenses up unexpectedly, then relaxes just as suddenly. "I never talk money on the first date." He smiles lecherously at Jackie. "But for you, I'll make an exception. Be lucky it's not your...friend there. The one who stands like like a soldier, but probably never killed a man. A real man, anyway." He makes a dismissive motion to Rivet. "We're talking a clean 7.5k." He emphasizes the "k" way too hard, before leaning in conspiratorially. "Just go in, take Mr. Kawasaki by the hand, and escort him out. But see, I'm not offering 7.5 for it 'cause it'll be easy to get in. But for a group like you, sure. You could probably get in. See, they keep him locked up. Not literally, of course, just in a lab." He leans back. "I trust you can figure out how to get past that. All I ask is you bring him here. 3PM. Three days from now. I'm sure he'd love a nice...sandwich or something. Don't you?" A slight hesitation. "Right. His name's not actually Kawasaki. Just can't be assed to remember some foreigner's name. Anyway, address is here. What little our little spies have gotten. Had trouble reading it. No vowels. Guess they didn't get much time to write it. Don't care. Not my problem anymore. I trust you've got a more...caring touch?" He throws a plain, cheap-looking datachip on the table. Like the kind you could easily get in a pack of a thousand for a single nuyen, tops. This thing looks old as hell.