[quote=@Sarcelle Renard] Sorry for the wait folks, work and school are currently having a custody match over the ownership of my soul at the moment. The IC is will be up by tomorrow at the latest. [/quote] Damn inconvenient of you, good sir, to have a real world life... [quote=@Guilty Spark] I'll float around and see who sticks with this. [@Sarcelle Renard] If you need a second eye to look over or help with the OOC/IC, send me a PM. My availability is equally limited, but I'd take a shot at giving you a hand with it. [/quote] I'm around a lot of the time, and will help with the genesis of this and any other stuff needed. I've invested far too much time and effort into character development and making a pretty, searchable (so long as you know the gender/number...) list of all the characters and their respective sheets to let this slide into oblivion.