I wanna talk about Space Battles. Space Warship designs, and tactics used in space. I just recently watched the Ender's Game movie and I noticed a few cool things. During one of the space battle scenes, I noticed that Ender flanked the Buggers by maneuvering his DNs underneath an ice belt. Providing them with soft cover before blasting the Bugger ships. It's an excellent example of the Naval 3D warfare space is, compared to the modern day naval 2D warfare. What other Space warfare tactics can we use? I'm not too well versed in Space warfare tactics. What kind of stealth systems could ships have? The SSV Normandy had heat sinks which stored the heat that the ship produced, making it invisible to thermal based radars. That's about all that comes to mind for me. Lastly, what determines a fight in space over all else? I read somewhere that Delta-V was the most important, but I want to hear your guys' opinions and thoughts on this.