[center][color=17758D]♣ [b]Fitzgerald "Fizzy" • 3rd of Clubs • The Spinning Cogs[/b] ♣[/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/OSYynKp.png[/img] [sup][color=FF0E20][b]HP: 26/26[/b][/color] [color=17758D]||[/color] [color=A625E7]SA: 14/14[/color] [color=17758D]||[/color][color=gold] 85 GP [/color][color=17758D]||[/color][color=FF8527] [b]0 / 1000 CP[/b][/color] * No Condition *[/sup] [h3]Prime District Entrance [color=17758D]||[/color] Spending time with [color=lightpink]Kaela[/color] and [color=B22222]Elemette[/color][color=17758D]||[/color] Peeved he didn't get the V.I.P Suite, haunted by the ghost of Jagred[/h3] [@SilverDawn][@Kimi][@RedDusk][@Iktomi][/center] [color=hotpink]"Oh...er I'm with these people in the VIP suit!"[/color] Fizzy's eyes widened at that. Well, he shouldn't have been so surprised. She was a Heart, of [i]course[/i] she got the V.I.P Suite. Still, part of him had hoped... maybe they could of roomed together. At least be in nearby buildings. But [i]C Dorm?![/i] Sure he was a Club, but a high ranking one, this was simply rediculous. [color=17758D]"May I see?"[/color] he asked, reaching for her slip. There were quite a few names on the list and - [center]No. [i]No.[/i] Jagred?! Jagred Degray?! His mortal enemy and arch nemesis, rooming with the girl of his dreams?! The fiend! How dare he! A lowly diamond, get placed among such high suits... Oh, oh no. This was [i]terrible.[/i] They'd get time alone together. He'd tell her such terrible lies. What if he was...[i]inappropriate[/i]? What if he [i]seduced her?[/i] Suave, sexy, distant Jagred hitting on the sweet and innocent Kaela... [/center] He hadn't realised he'd grab a hold of her in fright by this point, as if the power of his hugs could protect her from the harsh realities of [i]living with Jagred[/i]. His eyes stared off into the distance, the slip still in her hands, a look of mortal fear haunting his deep blue eyes. [color=F7D6B5]"Erhm, is there any way you two could, er, possibly lead me to the dorms, if you don't have much else to do, of course..."[/color] The quiet voice of another young girl broke his fevered daydream, and he looked over at the other Heart who had approached. Clearly a Heart, for her way of speaking and style of clothes was very close to Kaela's. Ah yes, hearts were such a lovely group of people - so innocent and untouched by the horrible things in the world... ...things like diamonds, that they should most definitely stay untouched by, particularly if their name is [i]Jagred[/i]. It was only then in the presence of company he realised he was gripping onto Kaela, and quickly relinquished her, but his mind was still racing. He needed to come up with a [i]plan[/i]. For that, he'd probably need the help of a certain delightful fiend known as Acron. [color=17758D]"My dear, most certainly,"[/color] he said, dipping his hat to the girl who had approached. [color=17758D]"I am Fitzgerald of the Spinning Cogs, and this lovely damsel is Kaela of the Healing Hands. It would be my honour and pleasure to help you with your task, if you would be so kind as to tell me where you are going? We can all travel to the dorms together".[/color] Excellent. No one would suspect his recon mission if he was accompanying hearts... [Hider=Inventory on his Person] [color=17758D][b]Treasures:[/b][/color] None [color=17758D][b]Inventory:[/b][/color][list] [*]Scittering Potion x 1 [*]Low Grade Alchohol x5 [*]Hidden Pouch: FULL [*]Iron Rations x3[/list] [color=17758D][b]Thematic Items:[/b][/color] Cane, Tophat, Letter, Old Photo, Identification Documents. [/hider] [hider=Current Stats] Health: 14 (Base) Sanity: 11 (Base) Willpower: 11 Stamina: 11 Strength: 10 Dexterity: 14 Stealth: 10 Magic: 10 Vigilence: 11 Luck: 3 [/hider]