[center][color=peru][h2][b]D Dorms - D12 [/b][/h2][/color][hr] [@Damiann47][@Eklispe][/center] It's a loooong walk to D Dorms, round the back of all the campus buildings to the far western corner. The closer you approach the more maze-like everything seems to get - you find yourself squeezing in and out of dirty alleyways, the smell of raw fish and other, less pleasant things filling your nostrils. You try not to think of the broken class, disgarded used trinket syringes and suspicious items and insects crawling underfoot as you make your way there. You're sure you're not taking the most efficient route, but no doubt you'll learn your way around soon enough. Eventually it opens up into a flat grey area, and you realise that the buildings you've been squeezing between may actually be an extension of D dorm itself. You stare up at the four-story block in front of you, a little unsure if this could actually be a part of the Prime District at all. It looks so.. squalid. [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/e905f5b9faa9291d35122d66b053ef45.png[/img][/center] There are people of all ages everywhere, and you realise some of them may not even be students. Still, among the throngs of individuals you do spot a few who look like they could be advanced, intermediates or novice students - and a couple of newbies in-training, just like you. [center][i]Vigilance Check Succeeded[/i][/center] There's a hub-bub of conversation all around you, and you realise everyone is surprisingly friendly. You catch the whisps of pleasant conversation and laughter on the breeze, and everyone seems quite relaxed and at home here. The smell of hot food wafts over to you as someone further in the block starts bringing some sort of stew out. A group of people gather round, helping themselves and chatting away to each other. A small collection of individuals plays cards, a few kids nearby playing some sort of ballgame. No one tells them off or to stop. The atmosphere here is... surprisingly relaxed, and there's a sense of comaraderie around you weren't expecting on first look. As you peer closer, you realise the area immediately surrounding the dorm is pretty darn clean. A chesnut haired short boy in glasses approaches you, wearing simple raggedy brown clothes. His socks go up to just below his knees and his shorts look worn in and a little grimey. He sticks out a hand that's buried somewhere under the long sleeves of his dark green knit sweater, which flops before you, a boyish grin on his face. [color=peru]"You guys are newbies too, right?"[/color] he asked, pushing up the broken ridge of his spectacles. [color=peru]"No one gave us the lowdown, but we think we just learnt our way around, if you need some help."[/color] He motions over his shoulder and you see a gang of lads a little younger then your age loitering by the nearest wall. They wave and seem friendly enough. [center][color=peru]"Want us to show you two around?"[/color][/center]