[center][h1][colour=green]Oscar Berg[/colour][/h1][/center] [@LuckyBlackCat][@Noxx] When the frenzy of the bird pokemon ensued, Oscar releases Skoll and Nomia. [colour=green]"Skoll and Nomia, go after the cubone that went into the forest."[/colour] Skoll and Nomia nodded and went off in the direction of the cubone. Oscar turns to Roadrunner. [colour=green]"Okay, RR. Let's do this. Use Growl and use ember when they get closer."[/colour] Roadrunner growls at the Rufflets and getting the attention of a few. Roadrunner was able to use ember on a Rufflet, burning it and making it flee, however a second one hits Roadrunner from side. [colour=green]"Come on, Roadrunner. We have to hold out til Skoll and Nomia come back."[/colour] Roadrunner gets up with a increased drive to not fail. [colour=green]"Amber, we need to work in unison. let your yanma draw the Rufflets towards your kabuto. RR, go and assist Kabuto by protecting his flanks and hitting the Rufflets that evade his attacks"[/colour] Roadrunner chirps in agreement and runs over the kabuto with Rufflets in pursuit. -Meanwhile- Skoll and Nomia run across the forest floor with the scent of the Cubone guiding them. They come across the cubone cowering against a tree. Skoll let out a roar which attracts the attention of the Rufflet. The Rufflet ignores the cubone and pecks at Skoll. It hit Skoll but it was not too bad. Nomia looks hesitant to act. Skoll encourages that as long he is with her, she is safe. This gives Nomia some courage. With Skoll and Nomia working together, the Rufflet was taken down. They help the Cubone onto Skoll's Back and headed back towards the others.