[center][color=#f17105]♣ [b]Jarvan Gearshield • 8th of Clubs • The Fierce Forge[/b] ♣[/color] [sup][color=FF0E20][b]HP: 18/18[/b][/color] [color=17758D]||[/color] [color=A625E7]SA: 18/18[/color] [color=17758D]||[/color][color=gold] 219 GP [/color][color=17758D]||[/color][color=FF8527] [b]37 / 1000 CP[/b][/color] * No Condition *[/sup][/center] [center][h3]D Dorms- D12 : At My New Home : Intrigued[/h3] [@Mae][@Damiann47][/center] [hr] At first Jarvan found the relative squalor he was going though somewhat off-putting, but he shrugged pragmatically. He was a club after all and a low one at that. He would take whatever came in way and come through it with a smile. With this in mind he made his way through the cramped alley casually, taking care to avoid stepping in anything nasty. It was longer than he expected but he eventually arrived at what seemed to be his new dorm. Looking around to acquaint himself with his surroundings Jarvan found the place to be surpassingly comforting. It reminded him of an open market, save for the fact that there were only people about his age. There were still a few too many people for him to be entirely comfortable but it was better than before, there wasn't the same panicky energy. Before he was able to come to a decision regarding what to do next a boy that barely came up to his midchest with oversized clothes and glasses that seemed more cosmetic than functional. Jarvan shook the hand that sprouted from the mass of clothing, the boy continued to offer Jarvan and the girr--, girl next to him. She was reasonably dressed in plain clothing with alluring pale blue hair tied into a practical ponytail and eyes an intriguing shade of red. Not much shorter than he was and obviously someone used to work. His own smudged blacksmith apron felt crude, though his plain white shirt and dull brown pants weren't too far off from her own. She was faintly familiar, but not enough for Jarvan to remember from where or how. He then realized he'd been looking at her trying to figure it out for several seconds longer than normal people looked at each other and had ignored the short kid. Right, the tour. Jarvan ignored the fact that his face turned the color of a dull ember briefly, and faced the short kid again. [b]"Ah, you'd be correct, just arrived in case it wasn't obvious enough."[/b] A short two syllable laugh. [b]"I could certainly use a hand in figuring this place out. Though perhaps introduction are in order first. I'm Jarvan Gearshield of the Fierce Forge and an eight of clubs."[/b] Jarvan gave a short bow to both the girl and the kid, straightening up and waiting expectantly for their responses. [hider=Inventory On person] [color=#f17105]Treasure: None[/color] [u][color=#f17105]Inventory[/color][/u][list] [*]Mess Kit [*]Iron Rations x3 [*]Bag of Heavy Tools [*]Metallic Orange Macaroon-Shaped Trinket Depletion Rate: 1/15 [/list] [color=#f17105][u]Thematic Items[/u][/color][list] [*]Blacksmith Apron [*]Hammer [*]Backpack with stuff for dorm (Clothes, toiletries, etc.) [/list] [/hider] [hider=Current Stats] Health: 12 (base) Sanity: 12 (base) Defense: 10 Willpower: 13 Stamina: 15 Strength: 12 Dexterity: 10 Stealth: 9 Magic: 11 Vigilance: 10 Luck: 0 [/hider]