[hider=Johnny] [center][color=fff79a][h2]Youta "Johnny" Sasaki, the Dragonslayer[/h2][/color][/center] [b]Race[/b]: Chimera [b]Age[/b]: 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance[/b]: Standing in at 118cm and 29kg, Johnny is a very small little rabbity thing, with beige fur and a white belly. He has long fox-like ears sticking out of holes in his cap, and a small amount of light brown hair peeking through the bottom of it. He has decently sized eyes, with large irises and a slight slant. He sports a bit of a snout, though nothing large, ending in a pink-red button nose. His torso is fairly standard, not particularly muscular looking, flowing into his fairly human looking arms (save the fur and the slight padding on the palms) and the rabbit-like bent legs. His feet have very definite paws that help him ignore terrain, unlike his hands. [b]Personality[/b]: Johnny is a fairly amiable young man, soft, cute, and even a tad naive at times. This does not mean he is a pushover, however. He absolutely will defend a woman's honor (even if she doesn't want him too) and is always seeking evil to destroy. Of course, he doesn't always take the most direct approach. He's quite cunning and crafty, though not always exactly smart. This is compounded by his righteousness nature and stubbornness. Although it's hard to get on his bad side, being there is no easy time. Both professionally and personally, his allegiance is with DRG Inc. He believes he is genuinely doing good and saving lives with the agency and actually has personal stock in the company. [b]Biography[/b]: As early as Johnny could remember, he's always loved western culture. Born in japan to his mother Youko and his father Akiba, the latter of whom was a Disney Japan executive, and constantly showed his son the movies he had a hand in bringing over. This instilled both a deep sense of morals, and a fascinations with the myths of Europe and, to a lesser extent, America. Knights in shining armor especially struck him as something to emulate, and at a young age he began taking swordfighting classes like fencing and kendo, even if the other children regarded him as weird sometimes. Life progressed pretty smoothly for Johnny, occasionally travelling with his father to America on business and even visiting a few renaissance fairs. This all changed when magic was revealed to be real in '26. Once that happened, Johnny would begin to dedicate his life to unlocking the mysteries of magic for almost a year, scouring image boards, talking to others. But it was all for naught. Only one in a million could wield magic, and Johnny just wasn't someone who had the gift. He tried practicing fake magic, but it still didn't get him out of his depression. After a while he got over himself, pouring his time into grooming for taking over his father's position. But the magic just wasn't there anymore, he couldn't help but feel useless. Until the first chimeric operations began, that is. Johnny had been following the growing genetics field closely in a vain hope of them discovering a way to induce magical aptitude, and this was certainly a step in the right direction. Johnny began saving his wages, still living with his parents at the time. Even as some of those in America spoke out against Chimera, in japan they were icons of freedom and eventually, against his mother's wishes, he became one himself. This came with much support from the public (though not much from his parents) and Johnny felt quite good about himself for a while. But eventually, as the iconism toned down, Johnny was glad. He wanted people to cheer for him because of what he did, not who he was. Johnny began helping out in his community, after taking over his father's job. He was always a big speaker on chimera/human togetherness, and even his parents began to see his point of view, his father to a lesser extent. But said father was getting quite old and frail, but feared death. He was also saddened at his loss of power, after giving his son his job. The best option seemed to be Draconid genesplicing, which Johnny tried to convince his father not to do. Admittedly, he simply distrusted the beasts that had so many negative myths about them in the past, but in hindsight that mistrust may have been well placed. Fairly soon after the operation, Akiba left his household, quite possibly Japan, reasoning that "he shouldn't be living with such vermin." This reaffirmed Johnny's distrust of Draconids into a dislike. That is, until the Uprising, a violent movement that almost destroyed hopes for Human/Chimera alliances in most countries, almost the entire world. All spearheaded by the Draconids. Johnny now began publicly speaking out against them, and soon before the Draconids bombed the Amazon rainforest, a private military organization formed, Johnny being one if it's first members. After basic training provided by the company, named DRG Inc., Johnny was officially a "Dragoon" and he and a squad were sent out to provide aid for those injured in the Amazon bombings. After that, Johnny has begun being sent on various anti-terrorist operations in Draconid territory, Particularly against the Splendent Brood, a religious military organization that is a major danger to all other races. Most of the time he was with another high ranker, a human from Europe named Sarah. One mission he will always remember was the assassination of Apophis Argentous, a high ranking member of the Brood. Only Johnny and his fellow Dragoon Sarah were to be sent out to take care of him. Due to their low numbers and the draconid's famed power, the two planned an ambush, laying traps and waiting in hiding on a trail he oft walked alone. But it seemed that their luck was running foul that night. Apophis noticed the traps just before stepping on the trigger, and spotted Sarah and Johnny. The fight was long and challenging, the draconid being just as good a magus as the rumours said. Though Sarah perished, Johnny was able to pierce the man with his spear. Down an ally, Johnny took a trophy from the warrior, his blade. Johnny is currently saving up his cash, bent on retrofitting the cybernetic arm of his friend in her memory. [b]Skills and Innate Abilities[/b][list] [*]Swordsman - Johnny has been training in sword fighting since he was a child, and has even won some sword fighting and jousting tourneys at American renaissance fairs. [*]Physicality - Johnny is strong, fast, and has incredible jump height due to his bionetics and chimeric transformation. [*]Lore Expert - Johnny knows some medieval and nordic fairy tales. Most of them were improperly translated though, so he doesn't actually know a whole lot. [*]Dextrous - Quick hands were something Johnny always had, but a fox's cunning now help him pull tricks. Though he isn't generally that kind of guy, it's entirely possible for Johnny to pick someone's pocket. He also knows some magic tricks from his "sad I can't use magic" phase. [/list] [b]Cybernetics[/b]: None. [b]Bionetics[/b][list] [*]Muscle Enhancer - A super steroid designed to make Johnny much more effective on the battlefield. His small looking limbs now contain a ton of muscle. He can lift 250kg above his head with effort, jump over three times his own height, and run at 30 mph. [/list] [b]Inventory[/b][list] [*][i]Caledfwlch[/i] - A magical blade stolen from a draconid he killed. It's incredibly light and sharp, but it's greatest quality is it's ability to deflect magic, fairly large amounts of it too, more than average human height. It can also slow Johnny's descent, if he spins it above his head fast enough. [*][i]Beowulf[/i] - A set of carbon fibre/platinum composite alloy armor consisting of a chestpiece, bracers, and shin guards. Though they're even stronger than carbon nanotube armor, and just as light, they aren't as flexible, meaning they can't be worn at the joints. Instead, regular carbon nanotube armor is worn there. [*][i]Tarnhelm[/i] - A simple carbon nanotube helm, often covered by a green phrygian cap. [/list] [b]Other[/b]: [/hider]