[center][h2][color=a187be]Selene Cross[/color][/h2] [b]Location:[/b] Homeroom [b]Interactions:[/b][@alexfangtalon] - Sadie, [@MechonRaptor] - Blake Rooke, [@TheIrishJJ] - Maeve ó Faoláin[/center] [hr] Selene beamed – well, at least Blake was reasonable, despite her sudden approach. And she still had so much to ask about. “Excellent! Well-“ Before Selene could get much further than that, another student approached. Selene didn’t remember her name; she hadn’t been present on the first official day of school. She also of course hadn’t met her back in middle school. All Selene remembered was that they had some particularly foreign names. Then again, considering her own family and her Greek-inspired name, there was maybe the slightest touch of hypocrisy there. “Excuse me, Blake will be available shortly. I wanted to talk with him about our upcoming assignment, though?” Her voice raised its pitch as she talked – a common sign of a question, despite her words barely being phrased as such. It was a shame, to be sure, but best to get as much of this out of the way as possible. “Just, I intend to be busy tomorrow, and I’d like to handle it now, as much as possible.” She put on a smile. Hopefully, the intent would be understood. Selene was interrupted again, by a third arrival – but at least it was Sadie, who was also in the group, and clearly also considering what needed to be done. A preferred task, hm? “Personally, I’d like to be on the …I suppose experimental side of things? Sculpting and painting have never been a forte of mine. Though-“ she glanced between the two. “I was thinking maybe we could do more than the basic ‘baking soda and vinegar’ reaction? I am curious as to what else would work.” Granted, it was possible it was more work than the group wanted to do. “I did want to ask, since it may not be feasible to do it on my property – there’s hardly a yard in case things go… wide.” She trailed off before tacking on that last word. She wasn’t exactly expecting to work with hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide, after all. Nothing that strong. But still potentially messy.