Sorry I have yet to respond (though my character isn't currently interacting with anyone). I'm well past the 4 post wait but I can't seem to think of anything to post save for maybe reacting to the dragon's fiery gaze like everyone else and I don't feel like having Tae'o randomly get up and start meeting everyone. He may be a joyous excitable little pixie but not very trusting of nonmagical folk. Anywho, long story shorter I feel like this roleplay has a lot of potential but is quickly falling into stagnation. I understand [@BlytheChi] got sick, that unfortunately happens. But I'm still unsure if we're supposed to make our own jobs from the bounty board or wait for the GM to make up the jobs and pick from those. I was under the assumption it was the latter. I noticed two characters ([@CanisMajoris2] and [@Yaneznayo] I believe) already made their own but still would like to know for sure from the GM or Co-GM first.... So sorry for the long winded post....