Well Devin doesn't count. And it's not just Kajun, so I can't be mad at Jackie. Everyone is a little racist somewhere. Ez: I could always spit acid down her throat. Aless: *smiles and takes the flower* thank you! *goes in her bag and hands her a cookie* [s]yes she randomly does carry around cookies. [/s] Ez: *sighs* yes... because... oh come on he's such a.cute kitty! I'll take all the kids for that. Aless: *nods* heck yes! Randa: *chuckles* I know. I'd make it very hard for you to focus. *winks a bit and let's him adjust her hand* yeah, doesn't work the same with fire. You have to hit the base to make it most effective. So think opposite? *takes a breath in and let's it out before throwing* Atty: *smiles a bit* very nice. Drake: *nods* I will eventually remember all of this. *goes and scratches* Billie: of course, the more the merrier. Billie, Checkov, and Eros: *take places* Lia: *starts recording* *looks to Alex next to her* Alex: *snaps a few pictures as their going* Billie and Checkov: *finish together* Billie: you've got game, old man. Checkov: *laughs* drinking is a hobby. Eros: *laughs when he finishes* around here it's a lifestyle. Never met anyone that could out drink our little hell angel and still stand. Checkov: *shakes head and chuckles* what do the kids say now? Let's get fucked up? Lia: *looks at Mitch, trying really hard not to laugh*