'No one learnt/knows anything like B[sub]ANISH[/sub] D[sub]ARKNESS[/sub] or H[sub]OLY[/sub] L[sub]IGHT[/sub]?' groaned Octavium. 'How about P[sub]LOT[/sub] R[sub]ESUSCITATION[/sub]? B[sub]URN[/sub] H[sub]EAL[/sub]? Nope. OK. Jorde, no-one learnt anything of any obviously applicable use/Deus Ex stuff. See if you can't grab one of those books flying past? Tell me what the cover says if you manage it. Oh, and [i]Tookie Dearest[/i], why would I damage this vehicle if I have no guarantee of safety for myself? I look after myself. And it would be nice to have an apprentice already tamed if I can get my own body... [hr] [hr] OK, getting ready to roll for grabbing the book. [@Mae], would this count as some sort of pickpocketing action? I'm picking the fire's pockets for a flying, heavily agitated magical tome... You know what this is... [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2FwDM5VGJ8]This ain't gonna be effortless![/url] +2 Willpower. Do I get any willpower points back for being almost the main character at this point? Wait, isn't it [@Duthguy]'s turn... can I use 2 of his willpower instead? [hr] [hr] UPDATE EDIT! Rolled 5. 5+2=7. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQLP7_ItdUk]ABSOLUTELY FLAWLESS![/url]