[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/47oBeb7.jpg[/img] WISEAU THE WISE ONE constructs a SHELTER for her son using the discarded clothes PORKCHOP PROBABLY DIED IN. It would probably fall over in a light breeze, but this is probably ample protection from MONSTERS, right? UG will need more TIMBER to make a DECENT SHELTER. Luckily he has an AXE and there is a FOREST to the NORTH. WOMAN has a SUDDEN URGE to set something on FIRE... She starts TENDING TO THE PLANTS. GOKU eats a PEBBLE WITH A HOLE IN. He feels slightly STRANGE. [img]http://i.imgur.com/iUHZMUn.png[/img] HELLO SON. I'VE BEEN WATCHING YOU. HOW ARE YOU DOING? [img]http://i.imgur.com/hVLLhUT.jpg[/img] TOM heads NORTH. He finds himself at a SPRING surrounded by ROCKS and TREES. The ground seems relatively fertile. He hears HONKING in the distance. The WATER TEMPERATURE is JUST RIGHT. [img]http://i.imgur.com/BkMGdwT.jpg[/img] JENNY THE FROG PRINCESS finds a NICE BEATING STICK in the shape of a HEART. WOMAN TORCHBEARER gains +1 XP in Gardening. TOM THE MUTE gains +1 XP to Exploration. TOM THE MUTE gains +1 XP towards Taming. WISEAU THE WISE gains +1 XP towards Construction. WISEAU THE WISE gains +1 XP towards Tailoring. GOKU gains +3 XP towards Swarm Powers. Goku gains +2 XP towards Social. JENNY THE FROG PRINCESS gains +1 XP towards Gathering. [/center] [b]Camp Information[/b] [hider=Camp Information] It is AFTERNOON. The temperature is WARM. THE AWESOME ONES have set up their home in a NICE CLEARING. SOME CROPS need TENDING. PORKCHOP is MISSING. BABY GOKU arrived today. A mysterious man is in the camp. TOM THE MUTE wishes to join The Awesome Ones. WOMAN TORCHBEARER is exploring. [b]Inventory:[/b] 1 Angry Spear Thing (in the PLAINS) WOMAN: 1 Torch UG the FABULOUS: 1 Axe WISEAU THE WISE, PRIESTESS of the LORD of FLIES: 1 Knife 1 Set of Clothes: Crudely made fur coat & top (previous owner: Wiseau) 2 Vines 1 Stringy Root 1 Mysterious Glowing Bean 1 Edible Root 2 Giant Oranges (4 Potions) 4 Giant Orange Peel & Rind 2 Pips 2 1/2 Sticks 2 Firewood 3 Flint 1 Pebble with a hole in 1 Small Hole 1 Orange Tree (Growing) 1 Unknown Fruit Tree (Growing) 2 Potato Seeds (Growing) 2 Shacks [4/4 Population] Unlit Camp Fire[/hider][hider=Player Points] KnightShade: 16 Dinh AaronMk: 3 DeadBeatWalking: 5 Eklispe: 6 RedDusk: 7 Brasslazer: 11 Ashevelendar: 3 Vesuvius00: 8 Framing A Moose: 8 Rain: 2 Chapatrap: 2 Doltboy: 1[/hider][/center]