Professor Apple listened to each of her new assistants - perhaps proteges? - in turn, watching as they interacted with their pokemon as well. Even with the faded excitement, they all seemed to enjoy talking to and interacting with their pokemon. Always a good sign. First up was Sully, and Apple couldn’t help but smile gently at him. True, this wasn’t entirely out of the goodness of her heart but rather practical concerns, but it was lovely to see how already her efforts were making a change. He seemed nervous enough, so Apple decided to simply answer with, “I understand.” She did, too - her first pokemon changed her life, but there was no need to make a big production over it. Next up was Reeman - with B helpfully translating - and she nodded. After all, there was a reason they had gotten pokemon. The roads between cities weren’t always safe, but it was nice to see that at least one of them was interested in fighting. Perhaps once her work was done, they’d want to stay on full-time. Rosa asked about naming, and Apple took a minute to think. “Well, it’s up to each of you. It’s not a requirement to train pokemon but, yes, many do. Personally, I do enjoy nicknaming my pokemon, as Fey can attest to.” She reached back towards the Aron and petted his head. He nuzzled into his trainer’s touch. Well, Charlie was clearly a good choice after all, as he asked about the details, and her eyes lit up. “Indeed it is! It’s said that the forest of Route 20 prevents people from cutting through with brute force - and thus, that’s why the sanctuary was set up there. Wulfric usually goes to check for any epidemics or new residents. I personally wouldn’t expect much trouble there - he didn’t report any violent pokemon or illnesses spreading about. You should be safe.” And then the last girl, Mia. She had seen the Gastly and didn’t think it was necessary to bring up its presence - they had all noticed it earlier, after all, surely. Yet clearly Mia had not been paying enough attention, and Apple raised a hand to her mouth as Mia reacted. It wasn’t the worst way to react, but it was up there - and B rushed forward before Apple could do anything. She couldn’t say she was surprised about the outcome. At least her assistant didn’t seem particularly harmed. “Well, I... suppose if anyone agrees. Do remember, though - I don’t think anyone else here is struggling with their starter, and I imagine it would take quite a bad experience to persuade them to trade.” Hopefully, the idea would be dropped quickly, or she’d find another trainer to trade with. Whichever option didn’t disrupt the work planned for them. “Now, if that’s all, it is a bit of a walk to Snowbelle. B and I are going to tie up a few loose ends here, and you can start on ahead. B will probably meet you in Couriway Town to check out your findings and let you know what other projects need to be done. As for me-” Apple paused. “Well, I’ll see you later. Hopefully as more experienced trainers.” “In your own time then, guys.” Again, the first to react was Lynda; who threw up a hand to wave goodbye to Apple before turning towards the bridge to Avance Trail. “Take as long as you want, me and Totodile are gonna go check out what’s up ahead!” As if on cue, the little Water-type diverted his bemused attention away from the Gastly and Poliwag to realize his trainer was leaving, and waddled after her as fast as his little legs could carry him.