[center][h1][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/UKZ44RD.png[/img][color=#E9DAA1][b]Marianne Beiget[/b][/color][hr][/h1][/center] Mary, despite her searching, could not find her comrades. Well, it was only natural that she would be average at finding people. Luckily, she saw someone try to wave her down. She looked at the the man waving her down. There were actually three people there. One normal looking guy, some girl who was extremely pale, and some edg- wait a moment. The trio was her team. It took her a moment to realize it. She walked over to join them. [color=#E9DAA1]"I see that you folks found each other."[/color] She said, trying to break the ice. She knew that Sil would probably say something short, LĂ­adan would say something sociopathic, and Gradon? Well, he was a wildcard. [color=#E9DAA1]"So. What did you guys do while I wasn't here?"[/color] Mary asked, half-knowing the answer. [color=#E9DAA1]"I suppose you all sat down and did nothing."[/color] Her tone was joking, but also frightfully close to the truth from what she knew from the previous days.