[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ZIlXikJ.gif[/img] The night comes and goes. That morning, you awake to find something terrible has happened in the village. [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/73BuLcvF0ENoc/200_s.gif[/img] [@Witch Cat] #1 Bae was missing. Later, they dragged her body out the lake, sporting a fine new pair of cement shoes. [B]It is Day.[/b] If you wish, make an [b]accusation[/b] against someone. If another person supports the accusation, that person will stand trial. Both sides will then present their case, and it will eventually go to vote. If you do not wish to make an accusation today, please put [i]The day passes peacefully.[/i] somewhere on your post and I know you're passing this phase.[/center]