That's right Devin is dead. BAHAHA!! Sorry got carried away there. Yeah, that's true when she says bad thing about him it isn't meant towards him personally. Kajun: *smiles a little* I wouldn't be upset if that happened. Little Jo: *smiles and takes cookie* Thank you! *runs off eating cookie* [s]Well of course. Why would she not?[/s] Kitty Kajun: *runs up and paws at Ez's leg wanting up* Kajun and Garret: *brings the rest of the kid over* Kajun: *sits and monkey shirt and pair of pants on a table by Ez* *kisses cheek and whispers* If you need me to come save you just let me know* Kitty Kajun: *purrs hiding face under Ez's arm* Garret: *nods* Exactly, the opposite. *watches as she throws and gets a bullseye* See babe, its that easy. Give it a few years and you'll be able to get it almost every time. Kat: *smiles* Thank you. Tiff: *smiles* Don't sweat it babe. *takes ball out at goes but misses ball* Logan and Zaddie: *finishes shots just after Billie and Checkov* Mitch: *closes eyes clearly trying hard not to laugh* Zaddie: *smiles looking at Checov and Billie* Go again?