I have more characters So this post will be slowly edited as I add the others. -Constructing [h2] Morphs[/h2] [hider=Koen Bakerson] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d5/59/c3/d559c310bf3df371c901bd0105184d21.jpg[/img][/center] [b][color=crimson]Name:[/color][/b] [center] Koen Bakerson[/center] [b][color=crimson]Nickname:[/color][/b] [center] Bat Boy[/center] [b][color=crimson]Age||height||weight: [/color][/b] [center]19||5’3’’||102lbs[/center] [b][color=crimson]Bio/Perso: [/color][/b] Koen has been a Morph for three years now, and his memory of his time as a human has mostly faded. There is only one memory he can completely recall. That was the day of his first capture and the last day of being human. He had gone on a camping trip with some friends and a guardian, two days had past with no problems until on a hike the group got between a bear and her cubs. Koen was able to radio for help afterwards but the person who came wasn't who he thought it was. He ended up becoming a morph and ending up in the Amazon. After his morphing, his life consisted of moving at night and hiding during the day. He had several encounters with hunters, surprisingly he was able to escape each time with some difficulties. His encounters lead to a lot of scars on his body and a distrusting of anyone who look more human than morph. His nickname was also dub by the hunters. He has just recently been capture. Because of his life history, he is anxious, fierce, and cautious [b][color=crimson]Morphology:[/color][/b] Koen is an uncommon Morph. The first thing that changed Is a pair of retractable vampiric fangs formed just above his canines. The next thing that changed was his ears. They became slightly larger and almost pointy with the sense of concavity. The last thing that change was the slow development of bat-like wings protruding from his back. His human skin stretched thin over the fragile bony wing structure and his bone density has decreased. Because of his Morphs he is able to fly and his sense of hearing had enhanced. He had adopted the nocturnal predatory behavior but his sense of humanity had immensely decreased. Along with his morphing, his brown eyes have a slight red tint to them and he prefers meat or fruit over any other food [b][color=crimson]Appearance:[/color][/b] He wears a T-shirt, blue hoodie, and a pair of pants. His wings are folded and pressed against his back underneath his clothing. Anyone can easily tell there is mass underneath the clothing on his back. His brown hair is fairly longer about three inches. They mostly disguise his big ear, the only part showing his most of the top of the ear. This is where his hoodie comes in as he mostly has it up to hide the fact he has big ears and being a morph. [hider=ears][img] https://images.sciencedaily.com/2008/09/080904102756_1_900x600.jpg [/img][/hider][hider=wings][img] https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQeIzC_ZzOWudRHGRRiqSW5HbDGPiUq_MNedZtRMPtLYcvFwmmz [/img][/hider] [color=crimson]Specialization/Skills: [/color] Scouting: He was a boy scout back in his human days -Basic survival skills -Basic first aid [b][color=crimson]Health Info:[/color][/b] [center]He has a mild case of Asthma but other than that he doesn't have any other health issues or allergies[/center][/hider] [hider=Toyosi Okotie-Eboh] [center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRrDFdviFlzanG7flP611gaHMvp9fMTXuN_i5yLKuw6zstyyHG9[/img] [color=gold]Toyosi Okotie-Eboh[/color] N/A or T 21||5’5’’||125lbs[/center] [color=gold] Bio/perso:[/color] Born and raised in Nigeria, Toyosi learn to be ambitious and determine. If she dare falter, her mother was there to beat some sense into her literally. Her mother also pushed for her education, only wanting the best for her children. Toyosi comes from a fairly large family of four sister and one brother all of which are older than her and attending an university in the United States. She joined them two years ago, hoping to major in biology. Her life was going well too before she was kidnapped off the streets and sold to the hunters after going to meet up with a special someone. She is becoming a new morph. [color=gold]Morphology[/color] Toyosi will become an common morph, the changes she will experience will be talons growing from her fingernails and patches of brown feathers that closely resembles to hair scattered on the top of her shoulder, her back, her cheeks, her thighs, and her forearms. Her morph cause her reflexes to be enhanced. Along with her morph she will adopt the prey behavior and her sense of humanity will decrease slightly. Other changes from her morph includes her irises becoming golden color instead of brown [hider=Kiwi feathers][img]https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3081/2349939950_33092edcdd_z.jpg?zz=1 [/img][/hider] [hider=eyes][img]https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/222/474004973_8a5879f3cb_b.jpg [/img][/hider] [color=gold]Specialization/Skills: [/color] -Nothing significant unless you can count beginning boxing she took sophmore year in college [color=gold]Strengths/Weakness: [/color] -Adaptable, helpful, hopeful -Overdramatic at times and the other half of the time distant. [color=gold]Health Issues:[/color] As fit as a horse, as healthy as an ox. [color=gold]Other: She is fluent in English but still has a thick accent[/color] [/hider] [h2]Hunter(s) and Information [/h2] [hider=Alexandria] . [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c9/c9/58/c9c958241cac7430ed1c92a7cccae32f.jpg[/img] Name: Alexandria Culler Nickname: Woe, Alex Age||Height||Weight: 27||6'0''||134lbs Biography/Personality: Alex grew up in the business, her father being the only parent in her life besides from birth. Her father showed her the ins and outs and the thrill of the hunt. Alex caught on quickly, hunting her first Morph alone at the age of 13. She made her father proud and once he passed away, he bestow His business and everything that was his to her. She may seem like a bubbly innocent girl but she is know for being unpredictable and ruthless. All she cares about is having fun and hunting. Hunter Threat level: Red Specialization/Skills: -Excellent tracker -Crossbow and hunting knife -Sharpshooter(rifle) -Hand-to-hand combat Strengths/Weakness: -doesn't know when to quit -agile -adaptable / -reckless -Compulsive -Sadistic Health Issues: Allergic to Shellfish Other: She prefers a crossbow over a rifle any day. For one, she likes being closer to the morph she is hunting. And she also like being able to inflict pain through multiple shots. [/hider] [hider=Hunters Info] Hunters are based on a scale of Red-meaning high threat level- and Green-meaning low threat level-. The higher the threat level, The more likely they are a threat to a Morph's well-being. Hunters can choose to capture or kill a morph but it all depends on their threat level and how common a morph is. [/hider]