[color=fdc68a]"Hahahaha! Sorry. Sorry, I didn't mean actual blind but yeah having a tail is hard for me to take a shower you see. It's as bad as combing my hair.. HAHAHAHAHHAA!"[/color] She laughed about it like it's normal for a girl talking to guy. Openly talking semi - personal things that can go borderline perverted for a guy's thoughts. Kyou starts becoming a chatterbox machine. [color=fdc68a]"Combing my tail that is. It's not like I comb it but hahaha... every time I'm in public, I keep telling people that I am a Cosplayer. Funny though, I have won Cosplay Contests for the past months. My friends tell me; Ohh Kyou your cosplay is realistic! and I'm like if you guys only knew that it's really really real real real! Reality is such a mess." [/color]She makes flamboyant weird gestures by swinging her hands everywhere while talking to Clive. Deep in her mind. [b][i]Hey Clive, you even listening? [/i][/b] She sighed, while Clive seemed to not pay attention as he was looking around. [color=fdc68a]"Hey Clive. You know Kung Fu or anything like that? Hmm... I feel like doing a lot of things, I kinda love my power because I have gotten faster. My mind tells me to go and do this but my body tells me that I have limits. My mind tells me no sometimes and what not by my body keeps telling me yes, it's so contradicting."[/color] [color=fdc68a]"Say Clive. What do you wanna do now? Seems like there is no Teacher or Prof whatever it is, everyone seems to be happy go lucky. Somehow my Foxy Sense is tingling, I mean my tail. It's saying like oohh there's a fight going on or some sorts.. so many things to do yet so little time. I kinda want to know what our school is like and how are our classmates like. Oh yeah speaking of which I wanna make a club that is a jack of all trades, it's revolutionary I tell you! Let's go. I'll tell you more about it along the way."[/color] For someone she just met, Kyou starts treating him like they know each other. Clive is about to enter a wild run with Kyou as she's about to drag him around. She grabs his hand tight. Wherever shall the wind takes them. [@RoflsMazoy]