Donna whispered to Instructor's W's ears. "I don't think the first option will be good." She spoke softly The Instructor gave a nod. "There is the luxury of being trated as other crewmen but at the cost of our independence." He agreed. "I know what to choose." "We will choose the second option as well." The Instructor declared. "It is well-justified to look after your crewmen first. It will be better to work as independent allies for us when thinking about our ties with the ESUN." He turned to Donna, who agreed with the second option. "The Gundam Sandrock will be an invaluable addition to our forces, excelling in close-combat with the heat shotel that can cut through most armour and well-defended with Gundanium alloy as it's armour. Second Lieutenant Lindemann is also an excellent pilot that can use the Gundam to it's fullest potential." What her superior said lightened her up slightly. She would use the chance to prove that she can match Blackstar in combat as well. Instructor W continued on. "I on the other hand can handle the maintenance of the Sandrock as it's developer. Although the Mobile Suits of the ship are alien to me, I will adapt to assist in their maintenance also." He turned to Naina. "Miss Wind, I can offer maintenance for your Tallgeese as well. I am familiar with it as it is the template of the Gundams themselves." When he looked at her at a closer distance, there was vague resemblance to someone he hasn't seen or heard of in a long time. Someone who went to Mars and never heard of when the Coalition began it's Martian theatre. He brushed it off as coincidence.