[center][color=peru][h2][b]D Dorms - D12 [/b][/h2][/color][hr] [@Damiann47][@Eklispe][/center] [color=peru]"David of the Spirit Soothers, 7th of Diamonds. We're about to lose our place, though."[/color] He fidgetted backwards and forwards for a minute, clearly worried - both about his home and the fact both of you were Clubs. [color=peru]"You're not going to tell me to drop to the floor and lick it, are you? Clubs in C Block do stuff like that..."[/color] A lanky boy with dark hair shoved in a cap that cast shadows over his weary eyes staggered over, his gait lopsided and his posture appalling. [color=Olive]"Don't mind Eggs here, he's a bit jumpy."[/color] he said, slapping a hand on David's shoulder causing him to jump. [color=Olive]" I'm Dusty, this is Krawl, Dex and Pea. Not many people use their full titles round 'ere. Anyway, we'll show you 'round."[/color] The boys nodded their heads in acknowledgement at their names. Krawl looked pretty average by all regards, though his clean suit and slicked back hair suggested the highest rank of all of you there. He was carrying a briefcase and leaning against the wall with a hand in his pocket. Dex was a scrawny lad, definitely the youngest, and Pea was on the chubby side with a perfectly round face. Dusty wrapped an arm lazy round Egg's shoulder, motioning with his head. [color=Olive]"We'll show you round."[/color] Turned out D12 was on the forth floor, up a terribly narrow staircase that barely had enough room to let two stick insects pass side by side. Jarvan being a bulkier lad from all that had work had to stand at a bit of an angle just to make it up to his room, as did Pea, but for different reasons. They came to a long landing, thankfully wide enough to allow a little more leeway, several groups of people lounging around outside their rooms. And there were [i]alot[/i] of rooms. [color=Olive]"Looks like they didn't give you your keys."[/color] Noticed Dusty, [color=Olive]"You'll have to go to the administration block to get 'em, and your locker codes too. There's a mousey little guy named Mervin who's a right laugh to wind up. I hear their getting a new guy in today though, hopefully a little better at his job."[/color] Dex sniggered at this, clearly with lots of experience of the subject, flashing a gaze to Pea who looked a little sheepish. Krawl looked unimpressed, but his dull expression didn't change all that much, so it was hard to tell. Dusty went up to your door - the handle of which was hanging off slightly - and banged a couple times above the lock and then once beneath. Miraculously, it sprung open. [color=peru]"This place is a bit of a dump sometimes, to be honest."[/color] said Eggs aka David apologetically. [color=peru]"We could do with someone coming in to peek at all the locks, but the Spire'll never spring for a locksmith to come over. We'd hope for anyone now."[/color] [color=Olive]"Yeah so. Watch it, you can open your door like that if you get locked out. And make friends with your neighbours. No one'll mess with you if you're one of the crew, you know? Otherwise just keep an eye out for some of the C Block kids sneaking over. We've got a friendly rivalry going on."[/color] He grinned at that, and you notice - apart from a cracked tooth- the others were very thin and pointy. You squeeze through the door into your room. Two bunkbeds, opposite each other, with a walkway between them that might be big enough for two people at a push. Immediately by the door was a row of four lockers, the third of which smashed in. A window sat on the opposite side of the room to the door, barred but allowing some light through. Above the single light in the room buzzed and occasionally flickered, perhaps it was some sort of oddity on it's last legs. [color=peru]"Home sweet home! You're lucky, got a whole bunk free. Definitely good idea to make use of the extra space."[/color] Eggs commented in the hope of cheering you up, giving Anise a light slap around the back before he remembered that might be inappropriate, considering she was both higher rank and a girl. He brought his hand up to his mouth and pretended to cough, as if this somehow helped the situation. Dex snickered. [color=aqua]"If you push your bunk against the window and let someone have the bottom bunk, you still get the sunshine there and then a slightly bigger communal area for your use.[/color] commented Krawl matter of factly. [color=Olive]"What they don't tell you,"[/color] said Dusty, approaching a bed. He pushed it down, but it didn't seem to move at all. Hard and lumpy. He sat on it and it didn't so much as creak. [color=Olive]"Is the showers and toilets are in a block outside the dorms. So you lot have to walk down four floors if you want to take a piss at night. scuse me, madam."[/color] he nodded to the lady present. [color=Olive]"Toilets are seperate, but the washrooms are co-ed - they have little cubicles to wash in, but it still gets hella busy. So you [i]might[/i] want to plan your day to miss the rush. oh and there's no facilities to cook your own food here - you'll have to walk alll the way to the cafeteria. Doesn't stop some people trying to cook here. And other things."[/color] Every boy in the room grinned at this. Perhaps D Dorm had more to it going on then meets the eye...