[b]IF[/b] A sigh escaped as Charmeine revealed that her world could possibly be restored, addressing a worry that several others had voiced (and which IF had as well, even if she hadn't asked right then and there). Well, they would just have to work on that wouldn't they? Once they got that core back, which probably wouldn't be an easy feat to accomplish. Before she could answer though there was an interruption, revealing that apparently their opponent was already on the move to her first destinations, and two whole worlds no less. The monitor was impressive, but that sense of timing left something to be desired, earning a sigh from IF as she watched. The others seemed eager to go, and she would be no less ready as a smile broke out, IF taking a step forward. "Like they said, can't exactly stay behind now can I? Where are they headed?" She had no problem adventuring, but if she could have some idea of what she was plunging into then it would be a bit more useful. [hr] [b]Ulith[/b] The pale girl watched with continued interest as Zuriel revealed that she might not be entirely there when it came down to it, even if she continued to show off the power that she had. Her sword ripping two holes into space was definitely a sign of that, impressive even for someone like her. Zuriel was seeming more and more like Mayu with every moment, albeit with a touch of insanity to make things more exciting. Well then, which world should she go to? They were fairly evenly divided at this point, and all told she was less confident of her ability to handle magical police. Besides, that sort of thing would probably end up being boring. If she was going to do this then she wanted to have some excitement along the way. A nod on her part then as she stepped towards the chosen portal. "I'll go with them," she said as she gestured towards the portal to the hitman world. "See you on the other side Zuriel." With that she stepped through, ready for whatever might be waiting for them on the other side.