[quote=@Frau Koujiro] Yeah, I didn't intend to have him kill anyone on-screen. I just thought that a serial killer pretending to be a suave guy trying to hide evidence of his wrongdoings could lead to some fun hijinks. I could probably remove him actually being a serial killer and leave him with just being a paranoid conspiracy theorist though. Something like that fine? [/quote] A conspiracy theorist actually sounds more interesting! xD That sounds good! [quote=@Keyenpeydee] -snip- [/quote] Almost there! It would be great if you can remove commentary like "And that's it Is that okay?", ":)", and "As I imagined," though. It helps me read through Character Sheets faster in the Char tab. o-o If you'd like, you can flavor up the Background a bit. It's optional but I'm interested to see just a bit more of his background. xD