At that moment, a RT413 Dragoon Battle Tank arrived with [url=]some music[/url] blasting over the vehicle's external speakers, before rolling to a stop at the camp, and the music abruptly shut off. Its hatch swung open, and a tall and rather old-looking man who appeared to be slightly out of shape climbed out, wearing a tank commander's uniform. "Look, mate." He said, his voice grumpy but sounding like he wanted to argue. "I'm telling you. The SynTech Skimmer is a great car!" He hopped out and landed on the floor. "No, look." Another voice came from the inside, and another old, but slightly younger looking man with longer hair and a tank driver's gear climbed out. "All you do is cock around in that thing." He too dismounted. "Come on," The final voice came, and this time, the shortest and youngest member emerged from the dark interior, this one with a tank gunner's outfit. "Do you really have to keep arguing about this? I think we've all got to agree that the Prospect Orbit is the best car." He jumped off higher than the first two and landed on his feet. The commander and the driver shared a look, before they immediately burst out laughing. “Oh, Hammond,” The commander said, wiping a tear from his eye. “You are such a funny man.” The gunner, Hammond, stood there with a dumbfounded expression. “What? Care to explain, Clarkson?” “Everyone knows that the Orbit is an ambitious piece of rubbish.” Clarkson, the commander, explained, still chuckling. “Got anything else to say, May?" May the driver nodded. "Yes. The Orbit is something that, what, a five year-old would drive."