[b]Name:[/b] Agni Schiwatas (pronounced Agnishwattas) [b]Race:[/b] Great Wyrm/Fire Demon hybrid [b]Level:[/b] 60 [b]Age:[/b] 1869 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa84/nuocmatthanlinh_hp/8-2.jpg[/img] [b]Equipment:[/b] Salamander Scales: His own fire armor. A fire demon is always born with their armor and as a hybrid he did too, a downside was that this replaced his wyrm scales. The armor is connected to him and if damaged it will regrow or heal over time. The many different pieces can shift open to allow his flames passage. [b]Skills:[/b] Tactical Intellect, Martial arts/unarmed combat [b]Powers: [/b] [u]Lvl 100: Thermal Energy Conversion:[/u] This is his own hybrid power which allows him to absorb thermal energy and redirect it in various ways. He can absorb the heat from almost anything and can even freeze something this way. He can also alter the temperature around him with the absorbed heat. Flames other than his own can be absorbed to recharge his own magical power. [u]Lvl 300: Molecular heating:[/u] The power to make the molecules around his hands move at extreme speeds. He can also use this to upgrade his other fire abilities. [b]Abilities: [/b] [u]Lvl 5: Fiery Dance:[/u] Cladding his lower arms in flames he is able to accelerate his punches and also deal flame damage. He can also condense the flames in hir fists to deal superheated punches. [u]Lvl 25: Fiery Roar:[/u] After gathering energy in his mouth he can release it in the form of a wide area flame breath. [u]Lvl 40: Fiery Columns:[/u] After punching 1 or both hands into the ground he can make columns of flame come out of the ground. The number and power of the columns are greater when punching both arms into the ground. The places that a column will erupt from will light up before erupting. [u]Lvl 60: Tower Burst:[/u] After concentrating he can make a large column of dense flames erupt around him. [u]Lvl 100: Dai Yon Ha Dou(The Fourth Wave):[/u] He gathers all the heat from around him and concentrates it into his forearm. After collecting enough and mixing it with his own flames he releases a powerful thermal wave from his palm. The more heat there is around him the more powerful it becomes. He will mostly use this after fighting a while and having heated the area with his own flame attacks or just release a lot of flames from his armor in case of emergency. [u]Lvl 300: Heat Explosion:[/u] The molecules around his hands move at extreme speeds creating extreme heat. This vaporizes normal objects in an instant and can boil opponents body parts when touched. [b]Resistances: [/b] Fire +10 Wind +3 Ice -3 Physical +5 Heat +10 Poison +6 [b]Personality:[/b] Stoic and very serious. He will always take matters seriously and obeys every order his master Laharl gives him. He does look down upon any opponent weaker than him and acts like they're filth. He will never refuse a challenge when somebody wants to fight him. [b]History:[/b] Born as a hybrid he was quickly cast aside by his horde and was force to survive on his own. He survived by stealing and defeating other demons. He lived like this for centuries in his netherworld where only the strong survive and the weak die. He was ruthless and merciless and kept seeking stronger opponents to beat and show a hybrid was stronger than a pure blood. One day though he woke up in another place than where he had slept. He had arrived in another netherworld. He went around fighting and defeating any demon he saw, trying to find strong opponents. Nobody here was even close to his strength and he kept defeating one demon after another. That was until one day he met overlord Laharl. He fought against him, but lost tremendously. He was offered to become Laharl's vassal in exchange for his life. His form was so damaged that he had to be reborn though and an extra side effect was that his personality was also reset to his original untainted self. He has been steadily gaining back his power, but is nowhere near his old lvl. He offered himself up for this mission to prove his loyalty to Laharl and regain his old strength. [b]Battle Theme:[/b] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bZY5wmx-AM]Cause For Confront[/url]