[h2]The Hunter[/h2] She felt rather out of place here. This was, without a doubt, the largest concentration of sane people that the Hunter remembered ever meeting and they weren't even being obnoxiously rude to one another. Consequently, the heavily-dressed warrior did her best to blend into the background and not drip blood all over the pink floor, courtesy of having been plucked straight from the labyrinths beneath Yharnam. If this place was even real. It gave the distinct impression of her mind having just snapped entirely over all the horror that came with the Hunt and opting to portray a far more bearable environment--though in that case, why would she still be armed? And having fought in two nightmares and reforged weapons in a dream, wouldn't her delusions be just as solid and problematic as anything else? At least, unlike the Hunt, there was a clear goal in place: find people, stop them from doing some strange and destructive thing. That brought another point to mind: "We should split up before going. We need to know who's on our side and who isn't on arrival." Trying to talk to the hunters in the Hunter's Nightmare had not gone well...