[b]Name:[/b] Raven [b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Race:[/b] Half-Elf [b]Class:[/b] Thief [b]Date/Time:[/b] Day 1 / Morning [b]Location:[/b] The meeting spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak [b]Tagging:[/b] [@Holy Soldier] (No) [b]Mentioned:[/b] Open Raven walked up to the Tavern with a hop in her step. She loved the opportunity for more gold, and a guild meeting that broke them up into parties for missions meant a lot of gold. Her long black hair flowed freely, and her dark violet colored lips formed a smirk. As she scanned the room, Raven saw a large man burp fire up above him. He looked like death, which Raven has a lot of experience in what death looks like. [i]He must be having a bad day.[/i] she chuckled as the thought crossed her mind. Raven walked over to the round table. She pulled back the chair and sat down delicately. She crossed her ankles and laid her left arm on the table, while her right arm rested on her right thigh. She really was amused by the man who now had his head across the table. She contemplated saying something to him and decided she should. [color=pink][i]"Rough night, huh?"[/i][/color] Her smooth voice spoke. She wondered if he would even answer, which wasn't likely judging by his current state.