Hai, Sep. Warning for ya: We’re not going to hold back below. We know we’re not alone in these sentiments. Unless something happens to change tendencies, we can't see this RP surviving. Sad, but true. We liked the idea. Still like it. But people are stuck. There's nothing for them to do to advance the plot. Why? The players, not the PCs, know next to nothing. We can't advance your plot if you keep 99.87% of it secret from the players. A GM should have a few secrets from the players, but not 99.87% of the plot. Characters are stuck down on the planet because you're keeping too much secret from the players to make them able to work things out when you're not holding their hands every single step of the way, Sep. You’re the GM. The amount you’re around now, combined with everything above, means that everything is floundering. A GM needs to be around. Especially when (s)he is doling out plot one word at a time. When you’re not around, and nobody knows the plot except you, then there is no way for the RP to progress. We think the OoC is rather dead because of this too. What could we players possibly discuss? We don’t know anything more than our PCs. From what we've heard, your Co-GM knows just as little as we or Echo do. What is the point of a Co-GM if he or she knows nothing more than the players? We don't want this RP to die. But unless something changes about plot secrecy and GM nearness, we cannot see any way that will not happen.