[center][h2]The Spider and the Nephilim, part 2[/h2][/center] As Souta dealt with his opponents, Wrath focused on his, looking specifically for the spider he'd avoided earlier. His reward was the sound of a spider teleporting to his left, forcing him to sidestep away as he turns, slicing. The blade nicks the spider's leg as it leaps back and takes off about a third of it. Chittering in anger, it teleports away again, only this time with in Wrath's line of sight. [color=FireBrick][i]Whole lot of good that does me, teleporting prick.[/i][/color] As if on cue the spider disappears again and Wrath brings up his blade, only for Souta to suddenly shout something from behind him. Turning and seeing him bail from the vines, Wrath wastes no time doing like wise, finding a relatively easy to climb vine across from him and latching on to it as the ball of spiders obliterates the platform the pair had just been on. However, Wrath once more found himself at the mercy of the spider as it appeared again to try and strike. [color=FireBrick]"Some how, I'm going to smash you flat!"[/color] He swings Rage Bringer haphazardly, making the spider retreat once more. Using the breather, the Nephilim starts climbing and manages to find another platform a few feet above where he started. Pulling himself up, he watches for the insistent spider, who now stuck out with part of it's front right leg missing. As he turns, he spots Souta and smiles, realizing what the boy was up to. As he went to congratulate him, however, one of the spiders came into sight for Wrath and his shout of good job changed to a warning. [color=FireBrick]"Lad, behind ya!"[/color] Whether or not the human heard him he didn't get a chance to learn, as his eight legged opponent reappeared and struck at Wrath with it's good leg, which he sides steps.