[center][h1][color=#DC142A]Recall[/color][/h1] [img]http://safebooru.org//images/1759/1177c79bf98deb6a903544d2af1b369f5f20eb4d.jpg?1841081[/img] [/center] [b]Full Name:[/b] Casper North [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual [hider=Power] [center][b]Rating[/b] [b]Thinker:[/b] 6 | [b]Striker:[/b] 1 [b]Stranger:[/b] 1 [/center] [b]Classification // Alignment:[/b] Hero; Wards Casper has the ability to recall any memory perfectly, like looking at a video recorded on a screen. He is able to replay his memories at will, and only appears unfocused when he is doing so. Extended continuous analysis of memories will cause headaches. When using his power, he can focus on aspects he didn’t before to more closely analyze a scene. Even something in the peripherals can be perceived perfectly when replaying memories. As a side effect of his power, he has very good eyesight, excellent hearing, great kinesthetic awareness, and impressive time management. He has attended a few quick combat sessions and has made a point to review them extensively. A lesser known aspect of his power are the intricacies associated with his striker power. Casper can show others memories of his on touch, and also display memories on flat surfaces for groups to see. Doing so drains him mentally faster than normal recall. On top of this, on touch, Casper can give someone the ability to recall memories with the same level of accuracy as his power gives him. While acting as this link between a person and their memories, he perceives memories of his own that his passenger decides are similar to the memories of the person he is in contact with. [/hider]