[hr] [centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/KA8KJjs.png[/img] [color=silver][b][h1]Sill Vernol[/h1][/b][/color][/centre] [hr] [color=Gray] He pointed his head upwards as Gradon, pulling a yet again silent Líadan, up closely. Introducing himself once more, Sill only stared in moderate silence, thinking a response in his mind as quickly as he could. Eventually, he did return the conversational topic.[/color] [Color=silver][b]"Seen a Ghost. No no...I was just talking to this strange and peculiar ma-"[/b][/color] [color=Gray]Just like that, he was cut off as Gradon seemed to focus more on the absence of their leader, Marianne. It was a bit of a pain, sometimes, trying to improve his own Social Standing with a team like his. He wanted to get as close as possible with them, but it proved more and more difficult over time. Putting someone with Social Awkwardness with a team full of it was like trying to heal a bullet wound by shooting the patient again. Eventually though, Marianne turned up. Though her prediction of what he did was finally wrong.[/color] [Color=Silver][b]"Actually I was just talking to this older guy. For a long time. Sebastian, or something...Remind me to talk to you about that soon, Marianne. But...Nonetheless, what have you done so far in this Festival? Marianne? Líadan? Gradon?"[/b][/color] [hr] [Centre][@SilverDawn][@UberBlutwurst][@TheWindel][/centre]