Gerlach looked first at Markala, his light purpl-ish eyes searching her dark ones, completely fascinated by her bark-like skin. "It is the only explanation I have, but I believe it is the right one. Unless, of course, I am dreaming." He paused momentarily. "But I don't think I am." He glanced at each of the three aliens before him, all seeming to be grasping at any offered explanation. Unless one of them was very good at being deceitful, he didn't think that any of them were responsible for bringing the rest of them here. "But the question is why, exactly? And why aren't they here?" He looked around at the vibrant trees as he wiped a bit of sweat from his brow, hoping to catch sight of either an envoy sent to greet them or even a group of scientists sent to study them... [hider=Gerlach Stats] Health - 10/10. Food Gauge - 7/10. ( 10 = fully fed. If 0 = starvation ) Water Gauge - 7/10. ( 0 = dehydration ) Sanity Gauge - 10/10 ( If lower than 7 , character starts to hear things. Lower than 4 and starts seeing creatures that don't exist. 0 = dementia ) [/hider] [hider=Gerlach Inventory] [i] Clothes. [/i] [/hider] [@BluetheElf][@Ashevelendar]