The battlefield was getting further and further away behind his forces, as Claus marched his remaining army towards the temporary fort he had left less than a week ago. How different it felt then, how much he thought he could do this. How much he was let down by Orland. The fort now came into sight, with heavy footsteps the men and women marched into the opening gates. The few defenders looking on with a mix of terrified and sadness, with all things inbetween covered. With tired eyes Claus saw the young lord Tuania quickly ride to his tent and order his bodyguard to get things. He didn't even have the energy to go get him, this would need to be done after some sleep and right now, there was no time for rest. -"Spread the word, we're moving out!" Claus yelled, his voice echoing over most of the encampment, it was repeated by lower ranking lieutenants here and there. The camp was quickly emptied, in less than an hour the important things were brought. The cooking wagon, the iron pots and braziers and of course the treasury and maps from the command tent. The command tent being the only tent that was brought down. The others comparably cheap, if Andrew's army wanted to burn or steal the tents be my guest Claus humoured. If he has so little resources that he needs troop tents, his army is in bigger trouble than lacking some cover from the rain. *** The stronghold of Clarn had finally come into sight. The march through the rocky terrain of central Telmarion had been long and hard. The army still hadn't sufficiently rested since the battle and the journey had exhausted any strength they had left. Orland was currently riding next to Claus. For the entire day there had been nothing but stony silence between them and Orland hadn't even dared to make eye contact with him. Now that they were finally approaching Clarn Orland decided to break the silence "Once we arrive we should go straight to my mother and father, they will want to know what happened in detail" Orland said sheepishly. He knew that the battle had been lost because of him and it was not only Claus's rage he feared, but his parents as well. Claus was actually surprised, he had expected Orland to ride beforehand and try to lessen the fury that would befall him. Guess the poor sod had some sort of honor in him after all. It didn't matter much right now anyway, Claus didn't own a horse so he had marched the entire distance on foot. He was used to marching, but he was tired nonetheless. -"And here i was hoping to get into a bed when we arrived. Fine, but your folks are gonna have to bring a comfy chair for me." Claus spoke trying to make humour, the notion was lost in the overall poor mood and stiff air of those present. His voice even a bit raspy as he realized he hadn't drunk enough water during the march. With tired motions he undid his hip flask and gulped down half the flask in just a few seconds. For the first time in several hours Claus took the strength to him to look at Orland, whom instantly looked away. He didn't even have energy to be angry anymore. But he was sure the fury would come back later. The stronghold of Clarn was something to behold. The grand citadel was located on the side of cliff face that seemingly stretched on for miles. The stronghold was made entirely from stone and it's perfect defenseability was matched only by it's beauty. Beneath the stronghold sprawled the town of Wellstone, a sizable town surrounded by a tall stone wall. The town itself was constructed from the same granite that the stronghold was made from. Most of the army remained outside the wall as the town itself was too small to accommodate the vast numbers of soldiers. However most were beyond caring considering they finally had their chance to rest. Claus and Orland rode through the gates of Wellstone and into the main Plaza. The Plaza had various different market stalls scatter around the edges and a well located in the center. The well was the oldest structure in the town and was what the town had been built around, given it the name 'Wellstone'. Orland halted his horse and pointed towards the Stronghold "My mother and father will be waiting for us up there. Though if you wish to recover from the march I could go on my own and report the events of the battle" Orland said hopefully; if he went on his own he could make his involvement looks like less of a blunder. -"I'm going... as long as i don't stop i will be fine." Claus said while continuing to move towards the stronghold. To Orland's disappointment. His weary eyes barely kept open, his face in a constant bored grimace. As he closed with the gate of the stronghold, the two guards stood and blocked his path with their spears crossed. -"Halt! What is your business?" One of them confronted Claus. The guards however noticed the captains apathetic visage, and the fact that he didn't even look at them as he closed, shoved the spears aside akin to opening a drape, while saying. -"I am the business." The scene didn't escalate as Orland quickly closed in and raised his hand, stopping the guards from apprehending Claus. The Stronghold loomed over Claus and Orland as they entered the courtyard. Two servants ran up to Orland to help him dismount while another one ran over to Claus, holding a metal tray with a jug of water on it; clearly someone had already informed them that they were coming. Both Catryn Tuania and her husband Grandin stood at the entrance to the Stronghold. Catryn was a short woman with long following blond hair and gentle blue eyes. As they approached Claus and Orland, Grandin started to speak. "We have heard very disturbing reports from our scouts, they say that we suffered a decisive defeat at the hands of Andrew Manshrew. I am also told that our loss wasn't due to our soldiers, but rather because of a failure in leadership. Would you care to explain what happened" Grandin said angrily, strangely enough although he was speaking to Claus, his tone seemed to be directed at Orland. As Grandin spoke, Claus's attention was focused elsewhere. He gulped down most of the jug of water, finishing off with removing his helm which he just dropped on the ground and showered his sweaty hair with the rest of the water. -"Sure thing, i had prepared what i could in the forms of a defensive line, when that sod over there..." Claus said and pointed at Orland. He kept going. -"... ordered forth the militia and about half your archers, Andrew, that bastard, countered with war elephants... loads of 'em. Had to pull a miracle out of my sleeve, only reason there is any army left at all." When he finished he shaked the water out of his hair and gently touched his face. He picked up his helm and used it as a makeshift mirror, he studied his bruised cheek. -"He got in a real good spear throw that Andrew." Claus admitted as he gently pressed the bruise as he winced, it was purple and ugly. A fury flared up in both Catryn's and Grandin's eyes as they glared at their son. "Is this true" Barked Catryn. She had heard the rumored reports about Orland's actions, but refused to believe her son would act so foolishly. Sensing the impeding bollocking that Orland was about to face, Claus decided to leave while the Tunia's focus was on their son. He was exhausted from the march and wasn't interested in getting involved with a family row. "I'm going to my room, YOU, show me the way." Claus said tiredly to the servant whom had brought him the water. As Claus followed the servant into the stronghold he could hear the furious voices of both Catryn and Grandin. [@TheDuncanMorgan] [@Klomster]