[hider=Layla Putt] [b]Name:[/b] Layla Putt [b]Age:[/b] 14 [hider=Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/T3gJKod.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Impulsive, unshakable, and spectacularly blunt, Layla may very well win the award for world's smallest bulldozer. She's a well-intentioned but irritating sort of person who gets through life by being as persistent as humanly possible. She has a bad tendency to make light of other people's problems- after all, when molehills [i]are[/i] mountains, mountains don't seem all that bad. Understandably, many people find her obnoxious. That being said, she's still a basically good person at heart and will go to ridiculous lengths to help a friend in need. In spite of her insistence on helping others, she has an extremely hard time accepting help herself. [b]History:[/b] As far as anyone is aware, Layla has no mother or father. Found in a flowerbed as a baby, she raised in an orphanage. She spent most of her early life struggling with her small size, giving birth to a fiercely independent and fiery demeanor. Determined not to make trouble for anyone, she refused any form help from others. This led to a lot of alienation and she failed to make very many friends during elementary school. Through middle school, her bluntness and small size made her an obvious target for bullying. She did her best to soldier through things with hard work and guts, but there's only so much a positive attitude can do. When they received the letter, the matron was against it, worried for Layla's safety. Layla, not wanting to be a burden on her family any longer, insisted on going. [b]Skills:[/b] Sewing, getting along with animals, coping with daily life while 6 inches tall, sneaking around [b]Magic:[/b][list] [*][b]Name:[/b] Thumbelina [*][b]Type:[/b] Enhancement(?) [*][b]Description:[/b] Layla is approximately six inches tall. In spite of this, she possesses disproportionate strength, equivalent to that of a full-size human. She's just as loud as a full-size human, too. [/list] [b]Inventory:[/b] Trusty Sewing Needle, Trusty Measuring Tape, Shoebox of Mystery [/hider]