[color=#ffffb2][b]Alina Erebos[/b][/color] Alina retracted slightly from her focus upon a sudden felbat crashing into the ground beside her, injured but not dead due to some sort of golden explosion she had seen in the sky. Turning to face the direction of where the area could have came from, she noticed the elf whom was a part of her group holding some sort of bow that some defenders of Elune were using, her eyes locking with him briefly as she realized his intentions, returning him a nod to signify she understood his intentions. Returning her focus to the struggling demon bat, her hands glowed a bright, resolute light as she glared at it with disgust. [color=#ffffb2]"May the light purge you!"[/color] She yelled, smiting the bat without restrain and watching it writhe before dying. Satisfied with the dead felbat, she turned her attention to a new threat, one that made her filled with both a burning desire to purge it from this land, and yet a similar desire to make sure her group doesn't get injured in the process. However, the demon that looked like some sort of Doomguard, but she knew that it's power surpassed a doomguard... And if that was the case, she wasn't sure if they would be able to stop it, but she wasn't afraid to try. They had stopped something of similar power on the Broken Shore, but that was with the combined forces of the Alliance and Horde. And while they were both grouped together with the warden's now, she could still remember the death of Tirion by it's hand. In fact, it seemed after some attempts from the Wardens, the others were recklessly throwing themselves into the fray without a plan. The death knight was using it's own frigid spells in an attempt to grab it's attention, something Alina wasn't so sure would be wise. Sure, she knew death knights didn't feel pain, but she also knew that they'd be dead if they allowed themselves to be crushed or destroyed beyond repair. The paladin, too, was charging without restraint, causing Alina to stare at them in anger before rushing to their aid, shouting at them: [color=#ffffb2]"Be wary! A demon of similar power killed Tirion Fordring! I'll protect us as best I can!"[/color] Making sure to keep her attention on the Doomlord along with her distance, she took a deep breath before focusing the light onto the Draenei into a shield. She knew it wouldn't last long, but hopefully it would be able to protect him from a singular attack. Taking another breath, she swiftly raised her left hand and fired 3 bolts of light at the Doomlord's face.