[color=ff6347][b]CE Robin[/b][/color] Robin was trying her best not to scream as one of her Engineers told her it would be at least two hours before the Antideuterium sublimators and the Lower MCS cap would be functional. It was her own fault that the Warp core was in pieces, she had been right to take the thing offline but she'd not filed an engineering report to the Captain partly because if parts had of been available as you'd expect [color=ff6347]Lovely, ah I suppose it can't be helped but we need to try for a turn up in forty-five minutes or else we'll be in hack if the Captain decides to take us out early so please push the team. I'd do it but we still haven't tracked the vibration in the Starboard lateral thrusters. If you remove the Gas flow separator assembly the array will be completely exposed and ........... [/color] she said going into instructor mode. [hr] [color=D2691E][b]XO Alzeri[/b][/color] Alzeri grinned as he looked around himself enjoying the sensation of becoming a plank owner of the USS Tricyion and best of all was that he was to be her XO. This was going to be a lot like an arranged marriage in that he and his Captain the lovely Tetra McCoy had met only briefly in Admirald Shuster's office in a kind of ambush meeting. Sure he'd heard of her and her fast rise in command, he also knew of her connection to Doctor McCoy the famous Doc of the Enterprise but he'd never associated with her in any fleet or personal interaction. Normally an XO and Captain were familiar with one another in more detail than he was expected to cope with but he loved a challenge and felt up to it.