[center][img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46225469/RP/Dresden/port.png[/img][/center] Harry took a couple of steps back as the large screen appeared. His magic typically didn't play well at all with any form of technology. He didn't know for sure if this world played by the same rules but didn't want to chance himself being blamed for something going wrong this early in the game. While he was worry about this the Mantle of Winter took over for a moment with its predatory instincts. [color=0072bc]"Why would we divide our forces and have two chances at victory when we could all strike the same target and crush them utterly at one. If it's true that we could restore a world be taking back its core then all we have to do is defeat them at every opportunity."[/color] Perhaps that could have been worded a little bit better. The idea was sound but there was an aspect to it that Harry found revolting. It was the way that Lloyd Slate would have done things, not the way that Harry Dresden got things done. [color=0072bc]"You know, never mind, that's not an option. We're going to save every world that we can, no exceptions."[/color] He turned and placed himself on one side of the room at random. [color=0072bc]"And I don't think that we have any time to waste."[/color]