[b]AWACS[/b] [b]<<[/b]That's three more kills, two for Yellow and one for Angel Witch. Only five more, you can win this![b]>>[/b] "Captain, don't you find it slightly disconcerting that we haven't gotten a single kill yet?" In response to the announcement, the WSO of the Phantom asked the pilot this question in a half-joking manner. Already preparing to lock on a target, she followed up with a request. "Let's try to get at least three kills, Cap!" For once, the pilot agreed with her. "Well, we already have half a kill, so the rest shouldn't be that hard, even in this brick." He chuckled as he pulled the large fighter around to follow a MiG that seemed to be looking at Angel Witch's damaged Corsair. Accelerating to catch up with it, the Phantom easily caught up, despite its outdated design. The Fulcrum had already noticed them at this point, however, so it pulled away from the Corsair to evade. "Oh no, you're not getting away that easily!" Erika exclaimed as she made a lock with one of the two QAAM's that had been equipped on the Phantom; a weapon which had great close-range tracking that would make up for the low maneuverability of the Phantom compared to its target. At the same time, Charles did his best to keep the nose pointed in the general direction of the twin-tailed fighter in order to facilitate the locking. Finally, a red point appeared on the target and a beep was heard by the two. "Fire!" The Captain ordered, which was immediately followed in response by the Fox Three of the WSO. The missile maneuvered gracefully through the air after the plane, countering all of the pilot's attempts to evade and collided with the rear, ripping the engines to shreds. In response, the pilot ejected, as had every single other pilot destroyed by the friendly pilots this mission. The Phantom crew didn't waste any time for celebrations, immediately rolling over to pursue a second MiG. This one didn't notice them and thus didn't evade, so they only fired a SDM at this one, which easily made contact, causing the pilot to eject. [b]AWACS[/b] [b]<<[/b]Scratch two for Anemi Team.[b]>>[/b] The AWACS confirmed the kills before being interrupted by what seemed to be a rather important enemy communications. [b]Enemy Air[/b] [b]<<[/b] Alright team, we've played with these guys long enough. Time for Mask to make their appearance.[b]>>[/b] [b]<<[/b] What about the downed pilots? Won't the enemy SAR grab them?[b]>>[/b] [b]<<[/b] They're too busy with the other attacks. I'll have the Valhalla send a chopper to pick them up. Let's go.[b]>>[/b] [b]<<[/b] Yes Major![b]>>[/b] Just like that, the remaining three MiG's pulled away from the fight, heading back from where they came from. "Oracle, requesting permission to pursue." Border Boy requested over the radio, but he was quickly declined. [b]AWACS[/b] [b]<<[/b] Negative, Border Boy. We have need for you elsewhere. Return to-[b]>>[/b] The transmission cut off suddenly. "Oracle, is there something wrong?" Utter silence was the only response he received. He looked at his radar, expecting to see jamming, but found it perfectly clear. All of his allies were in the right place. Charles uneasily looked around before taking charge of the situation. "You heard him, let's RTB-" [b]<<[/b]Don't leave just yet. We still have some time for a little fun, A-Team.[b]>>[/b] Suddenly, a new voice spoke over radio, sly and overly calm in how it spoke. Looking down at the radar once again, Charles still couldn't find anything. [b]<<[/b]Mask Squadron, we have five minutes until their reinforcements arrive. More than enough time for us to [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjwh5Rh10tI]erase these guys[/url]. Engage.[b]>>[/b] "Captain, evade right!" Erika yelled at him to dodge right. Briskly pulling the stick right then down, he just managed to dodge a missile. Bizarrely enough, he hadn't received any warning of it. Right after, a dark, bizarre looking jet with forward swept wings and what looked similar to a glazed over cockpit zoomed down where the missile came by. "AWACS, report!" The Erusian yelled over radio as Charles shook off the sudden trance that had overcome him when he saw the plane. No response. "A-Team, we don't have enough time to run away, and these guys look to have better jets than ours. Just survive until the reinforcements from McNealy get here, understood?!" Charles took over as he pulled his plane into a turn. Looking around him, there was no sight of the planes. [i]Must be below us.[/i] He remarked as he prepared evasions of the unknown, invisible like enemy.