[center][color=greenyellow][h2]Stellar "Clive" Arkadian[/h2][/color][/center] [color=greenyellow]"Huh? Oh..."[/color] Clive said, distracted from Kyou yet again by a feast for his eyes only. [color=greenyellow]"That's some intense magic."[/color] He saw a huge quantity of grey colored magic exploded out from the school building. There was too much of it to see specifically where it was coming from, but it collected in the sky. A moment later, the students would see the cloud splitting apart and simply forming into birds, but for Clive it was a much more beautiful transformation. The cloud itself wasn't magic, but rather a medium. During the few seconds of darkness, the magic which had exploded out had been shaped into a flock of doves, each one meticulously shaped. As the sun pierced through, the magic was released downwards all at once. The forms of the magic birds raced towards the ground, and the cloud billowed into their shape as if racing after them. Their tails flowed like smoke, as the swooped into the crowd, and there was one for him too. He saw it happen a moment before it was going to, the magic would dissolve inches in front of his face and wash over him. He breathed deeply, and let it enter into his mind. He wasn't sure how he felt about the message itself. While he could say that it provided a contrasting image of the beauty of the magic he had just seen, and that in reality the style of the message and the headmaster himself fit it quite nicely, he could also have just said it felt lacklustre. But the sight he saw was his, and his alone, to anyone else's eyes the level of the delivery and the message itself would've been about equal. His vision cleared and he saw their would be caretaker. [quote=@Scio] The red-haired man gave them a arrogant smirk and spoke. [color=ed1c24][i]"You lot can call me Varus. I'll be "taking care" of you for now."[/i][/color] Something strange happened though; he just passed by each one of them. [color=ed1c24][i]"Everyone, follow me."[/i][/color] he said in a stern voice as we began walking towards an open field outside of the school. [color=ed1c24][i]"Get ready for your first trial here at Four Winds. Those I deem to be unimpressive, are automatically expelled. Capiche?"[/i][/color] [/quote] [i][color=greenyellow]That sounds a little troublesome.[/color][/i] He thought. How was he supposed to show off his vision, anyway? The most he could do was probably just tell him about it. Well, it wasn't like Clive would have any reason to lie about it so maybe it'd work out. As their instructor walked, Clive noticed a red, faintly pulsating symbol hovering over his shoulder. He doubted the position meant anything, but it was shaped like an explosion. Well, it looked a little more like just impact than explosion, but he couldn't tell for sure. He made to follow after Varus, but as Clive's hand shifted he suddenly noticed that he was holding someone else's very warm hand. [color=greenyellow]"Oh..."[/color] Without realizing it, Kyou had been holding tightly onto his hand. He couldn't tell whether it'd been before or after the Headmaster's magic show, and realizing it now, she was probably the kind of person who didn't enjoy not being noticed, for want of a better phrase. [color=greenyellow]"Sorry..."[/color] He said tentatively, [color=greenyellow]"I wasn't paying attention. I don't think that'd make up for anything but you ate all my bubblegum. Maybe I could owe you a favor?"[/color] He hadn't let go yet, or more accurately he couldn't let go just yet. Kyou had a vice-grip on it, and she [i]had[/i] mentioned something about martial arts in their conversation just now so that probably meant he wasn't getting out unless she let him. [hr] [@Masaki Haruna]