[center][h1][color=darkred]Ginell Conlach[/color][/h1][/center] [center]Location: Quarters, Bridge[/center] Ginny couldn't believe her luck, assigned as a navigator to the newest ship of the fleet. And she had just graduated. It was all too unreal, yet it was. Ginny got to know some of her crew better during the wait and promised to meet them at the lounge for a game or two, but first things were first. She rushed to her quarters and hastily unpacked and organized. Afterwards, Ginell found that she still had some time before mess hour and rushed out. There was one person she had yet to meet personally. The doors opened to the bridge and the Trill awedly walked in. It was a beauty to behold and the engines were throbbing in their standby mode, eager to let loose and fly. Ginny sat in the navigator's seat and placed her hands on the controls, familiarizing herself with their feel and location. She didn't actually press anything, she wasn't brain dead. But just sitting there, the power seemed to flow through and energize her, exciting feelings of both fear and joy. Ginell may never be joined to a symbiote and help one experience life. But here, Ginny had fulfillment and adventure. The girl just sat there for a while, feeling the energy and drinking the moment in. Then she sighed and got up. It was about time to head to the mess hall, though she might have some time to sprint into the lounge and see what fun was to be had. She may as well get along with her fellow crewmembers. Then she took one more look at the navigation console, before exiting the bridge doors that slid closed behind her.