[b]Name:[/b] Keith [b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class:[/b] Warlock [b]Date/Time:[/b] Day 1 / Morning [b]Location:[/b] The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak [b]Tagging:[/b] Open The door of the Greased Oak was pushed open without much in the way of fuss, allowing the young man dressed as a street magician who pushed it open to step into the shelter of the tavern. Keith glanced around to have a look at what kind of crowd was present; A wide range of characters of different races, backgrounds and motivations mingling together (with a possibly violent situation brewing in the air)... pretty much just another normal day for the Greased Oak [i]really[/i]. Normally Keith didn't bother to get up at such an early hour of the day; To perform he needed people with money and people with money only tended to get out of bed a few hours after the sun had risen and heated the world up a little bit... a state of affairs that suited Keith just fine if he said so himself. Still... he had an appointment to keep. An oppotunity for him to not only earn himself a bit more treasure then the average day entertaining the peasants, but to also meet a few other... needs without causing to much of a stir among the authorities. Looking among the crowd that had already gathered, he sized it up with a predatory drive as he removed a stack of cards from his pocket. Without paying attention to the cards themselves, he broke the deck in half before he started to juggle the two halves without losing a card. After a few seconds of juggling two 'decks' he [i]somehow[/i] managed to break the two in half without stoping, resulting in him juggling four small 'decks' at once. Almost at random, he caught two 'decks' in each hand before putting the two back together, shuffling it in a more mundane way before walking up to the nearest member of the gathering and fanning the deck out for them to draw a card from. "[color=ed1c24]Pick a card, any card. Feel free to show everyone around you but don't let me see it.[/color]"