[i]Well, it seems that this person is apparently going to teach me how to pickpocket better. So be it, I'll listen for now,[/i] James thought. He sat down in the chair opposite of the man. "Alright, I'll listen to your tips." James says. In his mind, he didn't like this one bit. Some mysterious man sitting in the shadows, out of the light, telling him how to pickpocket. He wouldn't be surprised if this man murdered James where he sat. [i]But isn't this the only way I can make money now?[/i] James thought. [i] The only way I'll be able to survive after my family died? I will probably have to listen to this person, this 'man in the shadows' if I am going to be able to make a living.[/i] He thought a little more. In the end, which was a few seconds later, he said "Tell me more," to the man.