[color=orchid][h1][center]Sophia Danvers[/center][/h1][/color] [color=orchid][h3][center]Wrecked Ambulance[/center][/h3][/color] [@Heckno12] [@OtomostheCrazy] For a few more seconds, Sophia's concern was how Alexis would react. Then, a screech drove the thought from her mind - the screech of an enraged creature. It wasn't just the sound, though, that sent a chill right through to her bones, making the blood drain from her face. There was something else... In a blast of heat, the chair, the floor, everything fell from under her as something smashed into the ambulance. With a cry, she slammed into a surface, the six Pokemon landing in a heap beside her. Cabinets swung open, medical boxes falling. Acting on instinct, she used her telekinesis to deflect them away from herself, the other girl and the Pokemon. She slumped from fatigue and dizziness. Her effort broke some of the cabinet doors, causing them to hang off their hinges above her. No, she couldn't let herself lose control. Not now. She had to concentrate on one thing only. Get out. [color=orchid]"Rheese! I-I'm ok,"[/color] she shouted, crawling forward. She ached all over, but nothing felt broken. She glanced around at the Pokemon, who were dazed but not badly hurt, and at Alexis. [color=orchid]"All of you alright? Come on,"[/color] she said, helping Alexis out of the ambulance, leading the Pokemon with her, falling to the ground beside Rheese. The front of the ambulance was a charred wreck, the paramedics still alive, but severely injured. That was when she saw it. Staring up, she gasped in sheer terror. An Aerodactyl soared over them with another crazed shriek... and this wasn't just a regular Pokemon. [color=orchid]"W-What...?"[/color] she choked out, barely able to breathe, every muscle in her body tensing as if the temperature had drastically plunged. What looked like a thick, dark cloud engulfed the Aerodactyl. She had to look away for a moment, raising her arm in front of her eyes, but she could still feel it, that aura of corruption that set her shuddering. Crawling back, she forced herself to look upwards. [color=orchid]"What's with that Pokemon?!"[/color] [color=lightpink][h1][center]Mew[/center][/h1][/color] [color=lightpink][h3][center]Route to Mesalon[/center][/h3][/color] [@Iatos] Turning invisible didn't help at all. The man stayed on its trail, sending his Eevee chasing after it. His intentions were nothing good, the Pokemon could be sure of that... It teleported, reappearing further along the route. The moment it did so, its short fur stood on end again. Pure chaos, a jumble of thoughts and feelings, overwhelmed it. Looking up from where it floated in the sky, it backed away, finding itself face to face with a screeching Aerodactyl.