[@BrokenPromise] You do have a point, that one person and/or the GM to point that out was enough, and they should give the player in question a chance to respond (whether to take the criticism to heart or to defend themselves) before going further. Otherwise it does give off the impression that the other players were "ganging up" on that person... Well, I'm not in that RP, and personally I'm used to getting harsh criticisms (I got loads of it in the past that had greatly helped me to improve my writing), so I can't really say much for the targeted player in that RP. It's up to them to sort that out among themselves, not for us outsiders to butt in. [@The Harbinger of Ferocity] A lot of media agencies out there have never been reliable or that truthful, merely as a tool for propaganda or as pure entertainment rather than being actually informative. Regarding the safety issues and such in US, I have never been there and all that I know about US are from the media or third party sources, so it is difficult for me to really pursue this topic on my own accord. However, I am open to hear about personal experiences the people who are living there are going through - also, US is a big country with 50 states and many cities and whatnot, which probably contribute to a more diversified picture of gun, racial, and other social issues in US.